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Friday, February 20, 2009

Not Seeing the Staircase

This is my first official week as a VISTA. WOW! Why did I title my blog "Not Seeing the Staircase." Well, its because I'm stepping out on faith by taking the first step with out seeing the whole picture. I'm encouraged!

Here's what I want you to know. I left a job that I knew very well. I was one of the very best Instructional Specialist in the school system. I made a decision to leave even through I could have been a principal. A good leader stands by the decisions he/she makes. I have no regrets.

I am scared because all of this is new to me. I am not use to making so many mistakes and feeling so incompetent . I think I understand why I feel the way I do. I am not use to asking so many questions. I am use to people asking me questions and me giving the answers. I am not use to making so many mistakes. I am use to finding the solution. I am not use to feeling like I can not get anything right. I am use to being prepared and organized at all times and checking things off my to do list. Right here! Right now! I am laughing and crying at the same time and there is one thing I know for sure, I have you to listen.

Have the best day of your life.



From the desks of: One Economy VISTAS said...


You ARE the answer and you ARE the solution. I am so excited to see what you can build in Norfolk.


From the desks of: One Economy VISTAS said...


I can totally relate to all of your emotions and thoughts my first month was frusterating, confusing, and I too felt incompetent. We are never too old to learn something new. Learn from the mistakes. Dust yourself off and try again. Good and bad change are both always hard. This too shall pass.
"...You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't even have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve...You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love."
---- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Take Care,