I just wanted to write a quick shout out and say hello from lovely Winston-Salem. I'm Denise, a new OE VISTA from Virginia (that's me to the left). I'm actually leaving for PSO in Atlanta tomorrow. Wish me luck!
I'm enjoying the experience so far - mostly research, resource mapping, and excel - and I'm especially looking forward to meeting and working with the other VISTAs in the office!
It's been just two weeks so far, so I sadly have little wisdom/motivation to impart! Still, I thought I might pass along a resource tip just in case there are some VISTAs out there planning to make presentations or teach classes this year. I'm currently obsessed with Prezi, the zooming online presentation tool that will forever convert you away from power point. I love it and I hope you will too! I made a One Economy demo presentation you can see below. It's sort of lame since I made it quickly, but I think you get the idea!
Best wishes and happy Americorping,
One Economy on Prezi
Welcome to the team, Denise. I hope you enjoy PSO!
Also, Prezi is so cool. I can't wait to play with it. Thanks for sharing!
--Laura, Durham, NC
Hey Denise,
The transition animations between slides are cool. I want to use Prezi for my next project.
Very cool Prezi show. I reposted it. Can't wait to learn more!
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