Follow Our VISTAs...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Hi everyone,

This is Laura Parewski, a VISTA working on AccessAll, in the Winston-Salem, NC office with a couple other VISTAs. I'm fortunate to be in an office with a couple other VISTAs, but I know most of you are probably sitting in your office as the one, lone One Economy VISTA. And since One Economy is all about using technology to benefit lives, why not use technology to try to bring everyone together.

This blog is going to serve as an outlet of sorts for all the VISTAs within One Economy. Feel free to post anything, past or present, about a success, failure, obstacle, event, memorable moment, joke, life lesson, something that happened in your daily life, or anything else you feel like talking about. Pictures and flip videos are highly encouraged!

Well, I guess I should be getting back to work. Can't wait to hear what you've all been up to.

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