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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thank You Luncheon for GTI!

Hey guys!

Just wanted to let you all know that I had an AWESOME time yesterday at the Ground Team Ike luncheon. Even though I was part of GTI for a very short time, my 1 night on the RV gave me a small taste of what life for my fellow VISTA's and staff members was like for days, weeks, or even a month (for all star Jane), all to help those still suffering in the aftermath of Ike.

Coming from someone who has been at One Economy for 17 months now (who's counting?!), I just wanted to let you all know that our current VISTA team is absolutely incredible. Sitting in the conference room yesterday, I was just overwhelmed by the dedication of the VISTA team. On top of the clear success of the Hurricane Ike Relief trip, this team has also worked together to really power out AccessAll through the end of the year. We help each other and we work together, and THAT is what is going to get people connected to their much needed technology resources. AccessAll is IMPOSSIBLE without team work, patience, and a good sense of humor, and I feel lucky to be part of a team that encompasses all three qualities.


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