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Monday, November 23, 2009

Motivational Mondays

Good morning team and Happy Monday in this short work week!

No one who achieves success does so without the help of others.
The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.

Alfred North Whitehead

I hope you all have great holidays!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Motivational Mondays

Good morning team,

"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that."
Norman Vincent Peale

Happy Monday!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Summer Seattle Digital Connectors

Check out this fine video created by Seattle Summer Digital Connectors. The education part of the video won Puget SoundOFF Peoples Choice AWARD for their efforts in solving education problems. Visit Which has been a large part of my project.

Puget Soundoff Digital Connectors

Check out the link below and view just some of the work the Seattle Digital Connectors are getting done. They worked hard, and are making a difference in the Puget Sound area. It has been an absoulute privelage to have worked with these fantastic youth. Digital Connectors has been they highlight of my VISTA service year!!

Digital Connectors Connecting their community

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Project Presentation

Hey all,

Michelle here. I have a story and funny video I would like to share with you all. Part of my VISTA project is working with The Computer Training Bridge here in Winston-Salem, NC. It is a network of free computer classes taught all over the city by volunteer computer coaches. Several months ago one of the coaches asked me to come and speak at his monthly luncheon for retired pastors and their wives. I'd told the coaches about One Economy and AmeriCorps VISTA and my project, and he wanted me to share all of that with his group. I was nervous, but it was such an honor to be asked that I had to say yes. At the time I didn't have much to say about my project aside from my work on the Mobile Tax Project, which although important, had never really felt like my own. Since then I've worked on the Teen Computer Advisors and taught video game design classes at several locations around the city, all the time developing important community partnerships for the CTB and OE. When I presented on Wednesday it felt like the senior project presentation I'd had to give in college. I was just as nervous talking about something that I'd spent a year working on, something that I might even refer to as my baby, but I was no where near as shy. It's amazing how this year has brought me even farther out of my shell and made me comfortable speaking in front of a crowd of strangers.
The group was really responsive and kind. All having devoted their lives to service, they were excited to meet a young person wanting to do the same. I made sure to tell them that it's never too late for them to get involved again. VISTA has no upper age limit, and I talked a bit about the Senior Corps, for volunteers 55 and up. If you haven't heard of it you should check it out. Maybe you know someone who would be interested.
Anyway, my volunteer coach was kind enough to take a few minutes video of my presentation. It's pretty funny. Note how much I talk with my hands, and the part where he gets a call and sets the camera down while it's still recording...priceless. In his defense, it was his first time using a flip camera, as you can see from the beginning.
I'm glad I had the opportunity to present about my project. Now that I have a month left, I've been looking for ways to develop a sense of closure, and I think this is a big help. No matter how far you are into your year, it helps to get a little perspective.

Thanks all! Have a great day!
Michelle Brasseur
Winston-Salem NC

Had trouble uploading here. Check it out on Youtube:


Hey all,

For everyone interested in my trip to Africa, here are some scenes from my trip to Senegal. I think you can get a good picture of the kind of digital divide we are talking about.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Technology Fair

Hi Folks,

Here is a video from the Technology Fair held last Saturday at Seven Courts. This was meant to be a launching event to show to the media. However, I dont believe there was much of a media presence, but the Atlanta City Council was represented, so visibility of the organization was increased.

Residents got a chance to sign up for email, learn about the beehive and PIC.TV. Guest speakers included Carol Collard of Caring Works, Dennis Boyden of AT&T/Bellsouth, and our own Carol Johnson. You can see what they said below. Behind the speakers you can see the Energy Fitness Van set up as well as the One Economy DC Van and computer bank.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Motivational Mondays

Good morning!

All things splendid
have been achieved
by those who dared to believe
that something inside them
was superior to circumstance.
--Bruce Barton

I hope you all have great weeks