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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's Not "Goodbye" If I Just Run Away

I expected my last week as a VISTA would be pretty slow. All my classes and events would be finished and I would just be tying up loose ends. But about a month ago I took on one last big project for my partner at the Computer Training Bridge (a network of free computer classes taught by volunteers). We needed a big volunteer event, and I had the idea to go around and film the volunteer coaches teaching their classes and compile a video. Little did I know, that I would end up with over an hour of footage. After having to start over more than once, hundreds of hours cursing Windows Movie Maker, and endless urges to throw my computer against the wall, I finally finished the videos. That’s right videos. I ended up having to cut the entire ten-minute monster into three parts. But it's done now and I've decided to celebrate by sending one last monster of a post to all of you. Hope you don't mind.

While I was waiting for Windows Movie Maker (it took about twenty minutes every time I had to open the file), I found another laptop and some time to clean out my email and then my computer. I’ve left all the files that might be helpful to someone in the future on a flash drive here in the office. Sustainability in a box, I call it.

So, with most of my loose ends headed towards being tied (there’s still that pesky sustainability report), what am I supposed to feel? I’m sad to be leaving my partner at the Training Bridge and everyone here in the NC office. I’ve met a lot of great people this year and learned more than I could ever list here (not the least of which was using bullet points in long emails). But I’m also excited to go home. I’ve missed my family, friends and boyfriend all year, and there were times I thought about giving up. I’ve never been the type, and I knew if I stayed I would eventually get something out of it. I feel like going home means picking up my “real” life again, getting what my mother calls a “real” job (I start grad school for Library Science in the fall, but what to do in the mean time? Back to the salt mines) and figuring out a new routine. I’m nervous about the change. I suppose that is to be expected.

What I didn’t expect was the feeling of anxiety I’m having now about leaving. What if I leave and everything goes back to how it was before? What if everything I did makes no difference at all? I know that I changed myself and affected people in the community, not the least of which were the kids in my TECA classes and the job seekers at the library. If nothing else, I know I got One Economy’s name circulated – I hope that’s enough. It’s not all my VAD was cracked up to be, but then some things are beyond our control.

I was surprised not long ago, when someone described me as a control freak, but I guess that is just what I am. I can’t stand the idea of leaving and not having any control over what happens next. But the time has come to let go….just, maybe not completely. With that in mind, I want to encourage all of you to contact me if you feel like I might be able to give you advice about your own projects. My new email is, feel free to keep in touch.

Thank you for all the amazing work you’re doing. Keep it up. Good luck!

Michelle Brasseur


I cannot wait to see everyones' ideas for the new One Economy VISTA logo! (See my email, "OE VISTA Logo")

If you need a place to start here are "7 Logo Design Tips" (from Branding Basics on,

Keep in mind that a powerful logo design:
  • has a strong, balanced image with no little extras that clutter its look;
  • is distinctive and bold in design, making it easy to see at a glance;
  • has graphic imagery that looks appropriate for your business;
  • works well with your company name;
  • is done in an easy to read font;
  • communicates your business clearly; and
  • looks good in black and white, as well as in color.
Also, LogoPond is a good place to go for inspiration

Have Fun!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tags on The Buzz

Hope everyone had a restful weekend.

I forgot to mention in my post on Friday the importance of using tags on The Buzz ( If you post a document on The Buzz please make sure you list relevant tags. This ensures that people will be able to find your document!

- Meg

Motivational Mondays

Hi Team,

I hope you all have a great week! Here's a quote to help motivate you as we get closer and closer to the holidays.

The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.
Earl of Beaconsfield


Friday, December 4, 2009

RE: Outgoing VISTA reports

Thanks for your post Ruqiyyah, you have some great suggestions!

Laura and I just wanted to follow up on your post with some clarifications.

The Buzz: templates & procedures (

OE VISTA Blog: a brief synopsis of your project (keeping in mind this is a public platform, people outside of the OE VISTA community can read these posts)

CDs or USBs: Any and all information you wish to pass on. These may be given to Laurie or the VISTA Leaders.

As for the question regarding a comprehensive way to report and share to the VISTAs, a "OE VISTA virtual space" is in development. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Meg & Laura

Outgoing VISTA reports

Hi Outgoing VISTAs,

I want to thank you for the work you've been doing, and to let you know how you can help us one last time. Many of us may be working on similar things in our year(s) here, and I think it would be really great if you could do the following before you head off:
1. Load all your program documents you developed or helped develop, etc onto the Buzz.
2. Post a summary of the work you did here on the blog. Maybe you could cut and paste from various quarterly reports you did.

That would keep us from duplicating efforts, and also ensure your work gets carried on. Laura and Meg, is there any kind of existing comprehensive way this is reported and shared to the VISTAs?

Thanks again,

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Volunteer Appreciation Idea

Hi Team,
Disney Parks and HandsOn Network are partnering to form a really cool program to reward volunteerism. See all the details below and pass the information along to anyone you think might be interested.

Laura Parewski
In 2010, HandsOn Network and Disney Parks want to inspire one million people to volunteer a day of service through the Give A Day. Get A Disney Day. program that celebrates good works by giving each qualified volunteer one day admission to a theme park at Disneyland® Resort or Walt Disney World® Resort, free.
HandsOn Network, the largest volunteer network in the U.S. and the sister organization of AmeriCorps Alums, is the activator for the Give A Day. Get A Disney Day. program with more than 250 HandsOn Actions Centers across the country in addition to 70,000 community-based partners such as food banks, homeless shelters, schools and faith-based organizations.
Here’s how we are asking AmeriCorps volunteers, alumni and your service organizations to get involved:
  • Organize – If you work with an organization that engages volunteers, register to participate in the Give A Day. Get A Disney Day. and thank your volunteers for their service by providing opportunities for free Disney tickets. Teaming up with HandsOn Network for this program will help drive awareness of your organization and attract new volunteers to help fulfill your organization’s mission. Go to to sign up. When registering, be sure to enter 1OR7X7A in the referral code field. You can also copy and paste it into the referral code field. This code helps us track the mobilization power of AmeriCorps Alums.
  • Volunteer – Beginning Jan. 1, 2010, go to, find a volunteer opportunity near you and make your commitment to serve. Once you’ve completed your volunteer activity, you’ll receive your free ticket to Disney.
  • Celebrate – Tell your friends, family and service network about this unique opportunity. Go to for more information. As our nation is recognizing volunteerism as a pathway to solving our most pressing social issues, come celebrate with HandsOn Network and Disney Parks our shared vision of service and through the "Give A Day. Get A Disney Day.” program.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Motivational Mondays

Good morning team and Happy Monday in this short work week!

No one who achieves success does so without the help of others.
The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.

Alfred North Whitehead

I hope you all have great holidays!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Motivational Mondays

Good morning team,

"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that."
Norman Vincent Peale

Happy Monday!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Summer Seattle Digital Connectors

Check out this fine video created by Seattle Summer Digital Connectors. The education part of the video won Puget SoundOFF Peoples Choice AWARD for their efforts in solving education problems. Visit Which has been a large part of my project.

Puget Soundoff Digital Connectors

Check out the link below and view just some of the work the Seattle Digital Connectors are getting done. They worked hard, and are making a difference in the Puget Sound area. It has been an absoulute privelage to have worked with these fantastic youth. Digital Connectors has been they highlight of my VISTA service year!!

Digital Connectors Connecting their community

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Project Presentation

Hey all,

Michelle here. I have a story and funny video I would like to share with you all. Part of my VISTA project is working with The Computer Training Bridge here in Winston-Salem, NC. It is a network of free computer classes taught all over the city by volunteer computer coaches. Several months ago one of the coaches asked me to come and speak at his monthly luncheon for retired pastors and their wives. I'd told the coaches about One Economy and AmeriCorps VISTA and my project, and he wanted me to share all of that with his group. I was nervous, but it was such an honor to be asked that I had to say yes. At the time I didn't have much to say about my project aside from my work on the Mobile Tax Project, which although important, had never really felt like my own. Since then I've worked on the Teen Computer Advisors and taught video game design classes at several locations around the city, all the time developing important community partnerships for the CTB and OE. When I presented on Wednesday it felt like the senior project presentation I'd had to give in college. I was just as nervous talking about something that I'd spent a year working on, something that I might even refer to as my baby, but I was no where near as shy. It's amazing how this year has brought me even farther out of my shell and made me comfortable speaking in front of a crowd of strangers.
The group was really responsive and kind. All having devoted their lives to service, they were excited to meet a young person wanting to do the same. I made sure to tell them that it's never too late for them to get involved again. VISTA has no upper age limit, and I talked a bit about the Senior Corps, for volunteers 55 and up. If you haven't heard of it you should check it out. Maybe you know someone who would be interested.
Anyway, my volunteer coach was kind enough to take a few minutes video of my presentation. It's pretty funny. Note how much I talk with my hands, and the part where he gets a call and sets the camera down while it's still recording...priceless. In his defense, it was his first time using a flip camera, as you can see from the beginning.
I'm glad I had the opportunity to present about my project. Now that I have a month left, I've been looking for ways to develop a sense of closure, and I think this is a big help. No matter how far you are into your year, it helps to get a little perspective.

Thanks all! Have a great day!
Michelle Brasseur
Winston-Salem NC

Had trouble uploading here. Check it out on Youtube:


Hey all,

For everyone interested in my trip to Africa, here are some scenes from my trip to Senegal. I think you can get a good picture of the kind of digital divide we are talking about.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Technology Fair

Hi Folks,

Here is a video from the Technology Fair held last Saturday at Seven Courts. This was meant to be a launching event to show to the media. However, I dont believe there was much of a media presence, but the Atlanta City Council was represented, so visibility of the organization was increased.

Residents got a chance to sign up for email, learn about the beehive and PIC.TV. Guest speakers included Carol Collard of Caring Works, Dennis Boyden of AT&T/Bellsouth, and our own Carol Johnson. You can see what they said below. Behind the speakers you can see the Energy Fitness Van set up as well as the One Economy DC Van and computer bank.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Motivational Mondays

Good morning!

All things splendid
have been achieved
by those who dared to believe
that something inside them
was superior to circumstance.
--Bruce Barton

I hope you all have great weeks

Monday, October 26, 2009

Motivational Mondays

I hope you all had great weekends! Here's a little something to help start your week off right:

You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make.
- Gorden B. Hinkley

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Beehive T-Shirts!?

Location: James Elementary in Kansas City, Missouri.

She said that an event was giving it away a year ago. Why don't I have one? Why don't any of us have one? I will get to the bottom of this...

-Tommy D in K.C

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Needs Assessment BBQ Event

Last Saturday we had a Needs Assessment BBQ event at our Access site 7 Courts. It was a great turnout even though it was freezing cold, proving the old adage: if you feed them, they will come.
Andy did a great job planning the event, and he got a whole team of GSU sociology students to come conduct the survey, with other volunteers to cook and coach and the like. See below for a video and the official write up from the event.

How do you use the internet? This is one of the questions asked of Seven Courts residents for the needs assessment survey administered by One Economy and a team of volunteers from Georgia State University. The survey was administered at a fall barbecue event hosted by the 7 Courts Resident Association and Mothers in Action. Residents learned about the free wirelessavailable and ate free food in exchange for filling out a survey. They also had a chance to share what they want out of on-site internet training. Resident children played soccer under the guidance of a coach from Energy Fitness of America. “The event’s success was due to the community’s involvement,” remarked One Economy Project Manager and event organizer, Andy Santamaria.

Volunteer Thanks: Many thanks to our volunteer survey takers from GSU: Kimberly McWhorter, Qiana Martin,Faye McMullen, Brittney Terry, Kesandra DeLaney, Andrea Durr, Alice Barrett, Francis Halan, Christopher Pell, and Deirdre Oakly. Thanks also to the volunteers from the Resident Association, Mothers in Action , Project Community Connections, Inc, and Energy Fitness of America, who helped cook and coach, and otherwise make the Access launch a success.

Ruqiyyah Nu'Man and Andy Santamaria for Atlanta.

How to Reset a Router by Andy

Hey All,

This is Andy showing us how to reset a wireless router.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

One Economy has a new website called, an online portal for disaster resources. Become a fan of on Facebook, or follow the tweets on Twitter @EmergencyZone. For information specific to the American Samoa Tsunami follow the tweets @EZ_ASTsunami and @ASamoaTsunamiHT.

If you are interested, here is the link to the press release:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Motivational Mondays

Happy Monday! Here's a quote to get you going...and to build off the last post by Ruqiyyah:

Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.

~Gautama Siddharta

Friday, October 16, 2009

Nuggets from Rey: Read and Deliver

Hey All,

So the mysterious (to us VISTAs) Rey Ramsey visited Atlanta, and I had a chance to speak briefly with him this morning. He shared a few things with me on dealing with partners and funders that i'd like to pass along.

First of all, he was exhausted. He rattled off at least 5 cities he'd been in since he'd been home, and this morning's speaking engagement required him to be at New Birth Church at 7:30AM. But he said (and i'm paraphrasing), it doesn't matter what you feel like, you have to summon the energy and be enthusiastic, or no one will work with you. People ask him if he's tired...he says its irrelevant- there is only one way he can show himself in any meeting- energetic and enthusiastic. Great advice for a friday, right?

Secondly, my co-worker Ian, who had been to the speaking engagement this morning, commented that Rey didn't bring any speaking points or anything. Rey commented that he didn't know what he was going to say until he "read the crowd" After he saw something of who they were and what they wanted to hear, he delivered. Ian's comment was: "he hit a home run."

So, for all of us aspiring executives, there's some nuggets of wisdom gleaned from a 5 minute conversation from the man who has earned his own following (hence the "Reydar" that goes out to our emails). Put yourself aside, read what is needed from you, and deliver.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Motivational Mondays

Here's a short quote to help get you going this Monday morning:

"Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.
— Napoleon Hill


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quarterly Report Accomplishments (aka ego massage!)

It's been a slow couple of days at work, so I went ahead and worked on the quarterly report. Of course, this means spending a lot of time on the accomplishments section. I thought I'd go ahead and post it here for all to see. Think you can beat this? Bring it. I'm interested to see what everyone else has done as well!

4. Describe your major accomplishments this quarter – both from your work plan as well as any special projects. Please include the breakdown to #10 and #11 here.

· Researched and brainstormed Beehive ideas after looking at local Beehive content across the country, especially Twin Cities.

· Received training and gained access on the Beehive Content Manager System.

· Wrote, published, and researched local Kansas City Beehive articles on the following subjects:

o Immunization information, including where to get children’s vaccinations for free.

o Foreclosure assistance with United Way 2-1-1.

o MO Healthnet, the Missouri form of the SCHIP program of children’s health insurance.

o Kansas HealthWave, the Kansas form of the SCHIP program of children’s health insurance.

o Explanation of proof of income standards.

o The Kansas City Free Health Clinic, providing care to people without health insurance.

o Applying for unemployment in Missouri.

o Applying for unemployment in Kansas.

o Voter registration information for Missouri.

o Voter registration information for Kansas.

o Food stamp information for Missouri.

o Food stamp information for Kansas.

o A list of Job and Career transition groups by area.

o Listing of Safety-Net Health Clinics in Missouri.

o Listing of Safety-Net Health Clinics in Kansas.

o Hot meal sites in the area.

o Emergency assistance programs with the Salvation Army.

o Emergency shelter services for families.

o Getting a GED information for Missouri.

o Getting a GED information for Kansas.

o Public transportation information.

o Video tour of major Beehive features.

· Instructional video series on internet basics and Beehive features, published on Beehive.

o Creating an email account and using it.

o Setting up a Beehive account.

o Using the resume builder step-by-step.

o Planning a bus trip using Google Transit.

o Using the Budget Builder.

· Easily accessible submission form on front page for anyone to send in feedback to Kansas City Beehive.

· Updated front page and picture for Kansas City Beehive.

· Worked with One Economy and LINC to purchase vanity url and have it redirect to the Kansas City Beehive for local marketing.

· Represented LINC and the Beehive with booths at two major community events: the Independence Heritage Festival and the Community Resource Fair (for social workers)

· Designed and produced Beehive marketing materials:

o 11” by 17” collage of different Beehive pages.

o Beehive flyers.

o Beehive video tour.

o Billboard with Beehive logo and screenshots.

· Participated in discussions with supervisor Brent, Donovan, and representatives of the United Way 2-1-1 about a possible tie-in.

· Made a presentation to LINC communication staff on value of Beehive.

· Learned the basics of taking video with the flip camera, HD flip camera, and $5000 HD cameras for LINC

· Took video for LINC at several community events including the Universoul Circus, Terry Riley’s Back to School Rally, More2 community meeting, Sante Fe Trail character building assembly, Gena’s school project, and the Garcia Chili supper.

· Took photos for LINC at several community events including the Border Star elementary after-school program, a local flag football league, and the Garcia Chili Supper.

· Uploaded, edited, and organized several LINC photos for

· Engaged in other capacity building for LINC such as producing flyers, packing boxes, delivering materials, loading up an U-Haul truck, answering questions at a LINC table, rolling up banners, printing photos, and carrying heavy objects.

· Created LINC Facebook page and update it along with LINC’s twitter account.


-Tommy D in K.C

P.S - I guess I have to update my VAD now or something?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Motivational Mondays

Hi Team,
I hope you all had great weekends! Here's a great quote from Thomas Jefferson to get you going this Monday morning:
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Beehive at Independence Heritage Festival

Earlier today, I drove out to Independence, Missouri to have a booth at one of the more popular community events through the year, the Independence Heritage Festival. It's an interesting event that combines multicultural performances like song and dance with some fun activities, like face painting for the kids. Even though it turned out to be a cold, windy day, they still had a pretty decent turnout, largely in part to the great work LINC did to promote the event.

I came to talk with folks about the Beehive. When my buddies at LINC first told me they wanted me to man a Beehive table, there was a little miscommunication because I wasn't sure if this was the best audience. Up to this point, I've thought of the Beehive's demographic as closer to the urban poor and not the middle class folks that would probably be there. But as the event drew closer, I realized that Independence is a working class town that's been hit as hard as anyone by the recession.

So I set up a table with various Beehive marketing materials I've come up with, and people were liking the idea. The traffic on our side of the festival wasn't huge but very positive and friendly; I had some quality discussions. The video was taken with LINC's HD Flip Camera. I call it super flip. But look at the quality!

-Tommy D in K.C

Friday, October 2, 2009

Post Tours on Connectors Club

Hey all,

Ive been participating in the Connectors Club, its really cool and if you haven't already, you should check it out. I posted the tour of the office and Leo Sosa said there should be more tours posted, so go ahead and post your office tours there too. It will help the connectors understand what is going on with OE.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Good morning team!

Late last week, I attended an event hosted by the local credit union about eating healthy on a budget. I learned some things and was reminded of a few things. Here are the highlights:

  • Plan ahead…plan your meals for the whole week and use this menu to make your grocery list. This will help cut down on your trips to the grocery store which means more time for other things during the week and fewer impulse buys (more money stays in your pocket)
  • Don’t go…shopping on an empty stomach or without your shopping list
  • Buy generic…and from the bulk bins (the ones that you can measure out the amount of fruit, oats, flour, grains, etc you need)
  • Buy seasonally…it’s fresher, tastier, and cheaper
  • Drink water…instead of juice or sodas; get a refillable bottle and use tap water
  • Learn to cook…you control the cooling method, the ingredients, and the portions. This will also help you eat out less
  • Cook more often…by eating out less and avoiding pre-packaged meals, you not only save money, you will be saving calories.
  • Try cooking once and eating twice…take your leftovers for lunch, have one night a week where you eat leftovers, or cook something one day and reuse the ingredient later that week (ie: roast a chicken, have chicken one night and use the leftovers for chicken tacos later in the week)
  • Eat less meat…meat is expensive, try beans for an alternative source of protein.

Some good, nutritious, affordable options:

  • Oatmeal for breakfast...try it with fruits or nuts. You can change up the flavor tons of ways
  • Make a big batch of soup or chili to eat throughout the week
  • Try using beans and whole grains for the base of your meals

If you have any other tips and tricks for eating healthy on a VISTA budget, share them with the team. Or share your best, easy recipe to help get us all into the kitchen!


Friday, September 25, 2009

Diary of a Single VISTA - Episode 1

Inspired by all the recent office tours, I made a little something for my time at LINC. Occasionally, I just take out the flip camera (who I've named Flipper) for some random footage, so I've edited a few together to introduce my office. Eventually, I'll have to make future episodes, and a catchy intro theme song!

And yes, I'm hoping you all got the PIC TV joke. Think about it...there you go.

-Tommy D in K.C

Thursday, September 24, 2009

KCMO Bainbridge Computer Lab

I don't have a video of my workspace but I do have a picture of my little corner of the computer lab, and a recent news video of my section 8 housing unit.

There is high tension between the homeowners living in my neighborhood (where I work and also live) and residents/property owners of the section-8 housing located in the neighborhood. The middle/upper class mostly white residents are making a good statistical case that crime follows project section-8 housing but the real-life factors are...where else can low-income people live where it is close to jobs? public transit? social service resources? free clinics? Hyde Park in Kansas City is really good for all those reasons.
Thanks for taking a peek into my little part of One Economy Connected Communities :-)
Tina Coles

Need a file converted?

Hey guys,

Have you ever been working on a flier or brochure (or really anything else for that matter) and wanted to convert the file to a .pdf? I found a website called Zamzar: They will convert your file for free and email you when it's done. If you click on the "Conversion Types" link at the top of the page you can see the long list of files they can work with. And I know it says you need to register, but I haven't and have had 3 successful conversions from publisher files to pdfs.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Welcome to the Winston-Salem Office!

We've seen the Atlanta office...

So here is a peek at the Winston-Salem, North Carolina office (sorry no fun music in the background)

--Adwoa Asare

Tour of Atlanta Office

Welcome to the Atlanta Office!

Come take a quick tour of the Atlanta Office. Wish you were here.

Now i've shown you mine, what does yours look like?

Er... that doesn't sound quite right.

You know what I mean.


The Two Month Slump??

Completely unrelated, awesome image
"Well, apparently after a couple of months you're going to get depressed," my supervisor Brent told me during our second-ever meeting. Flipping through a binder he'd gotten from his supervisor training, he pointed out an adorable graphic of a cartoon man running along a line representing his enthusiasm throughout a VISTA year. He starts as an enthusiastic beginner. About a month in, he has a "second thoughts" phase where he's hiding behind the line, barely peeking over the top. Then two months in, the line dips sharply, and the little VISTA man is barely hanging on for his life with the words "Disillusioned Learner". We had a good laugh. Every now and then we'd bring it up as a running joke.

In the middle of a bleh Tuesday today, I looked at the calender on my computer and realized that I've just now hit that two month mark (just like the rest of my VISTA class). Of course, I've had up and down moments since I started, but now every time I have a down moment, I start wondering "Am I a disillusioned learner now!?" It's true that I've started to see some of the frustrating politics that non-profits deal with (even within One Economy), and now and then I will see my ultimate pet peeve: simple tasks that should take five minutes but suddenly you have to talk to five different people for it to happen. Still, I'd say I'm still pretty enthusiastic to be a VISTA. I think asking a VISTA if they're going through their disillusioned learner phase is like asking a woman if she's going through her period; just don't go there. Suddenly every time there's a problem, "Well, he's just disillusioned right now".

My VISTA situation so far has been somewhat foggy because the two guys who are responsible for my position being created are also two of the busiest people in a world of busy people: my supervisor Brent and our One Economy regional manager Donovan. I can tell that building and promoting the Beehive- the main agenda on my VAD- are not among their highest priorities. I'm also pretty sure that I've gotten on both their nerves by constantly wanting in to help with different projects. It's good to know I'm annoying the right people! It's lead to some interesting directions, including becoming a picture/video guy for LINC and a possible citizen journalism project. I think some other interesting possibilities may be on the horizon. I'm trying to deal with the problem of being a guy with free time surrounded by people drowning in too many projects. Pass it on, I'm ready!

If this is as bad as it gets, it's going to be an amazing year!

-Tommy D from K.C