Follow Our VISTAs...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Writing just to say...

It was so very exciting to hear from the new VISTAs today! I hope all of you enjoyed PSO and your first days in your new homes and work sites...I know hearing from you has made me think back to my early VISTA days. I cannot believe that my PSO was less than 6 months ago - it feels like so much has happened since!

I am excited to one day hear about your projects! I love to chat about what other people are working on. After all, that is one of the most exciting parts of OE - knowing that we are operating all over the country, even though most of us rarely work together face-to-face. It truly is a unique experience.

Best to everyone from Norfolk, VA -
Kate Masterton

1 comment:

AutobloggingIT said...

Yea it seems like my PSO was just a week ago... oh yea it was... lol

I agree that it is cool to know that there are other prestigious young vistas out there working for One Economy, I wish everyone the best of luck.